Friday, 29 October 2010

Jeremy Dear, NUJ and Ian Leahair, FBU Exec to Speak at Public Meeting

STOP THE CUTS - Join the fightback in Southwark

The government’s public spending cuts will:
  • Wreck housing, welfare, further & higher education, leisure and health services.
  • Cut public sector pay and pensions.
  • Put thousands out of work.
  • Increase fares, childcare costs, council rents, course fees.
  • And much more.
Come and join our discussion on how we can fight these cuts
Thursday 4th November / 7pm
Salvation Army Hall, 1 Princess Street SE1 6HH (Elephant & Castle Tube)

  • Jeremy Dear, general secretary National Union of Journalists
  • Ian Leahair, Fire Brigades Union National Executive 
  • Plus local trade union and community campaigners

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Thursday 4 NOVEMBER Southwark SOS Public Meeting

The next Southwark SOS public meeting will be held on Thursday 4 November at 7pm at the Salvation Army Hall, St Georges Rd/Princess St - Elephant and Castle. Speakers are just being finalised but it's guaranteed to be a good spread from the different campaign fighting agaisnt the cuts. Come along and get involved!

Friday, 22 October 2010

150 Say NO to Cuts at Southwark Town Hall

On 20 October 120 people protested against the cuts in Southwark, where a lobby of the Labour Council was organised by the recently-formed Southwark Save Our Services (SOS) campaign. A large contingent of the Council’s manual workforce attended – from where many of the 1,000 job-losses are expected to come. Demonstrators heard speeches which called for a vigorous campaign of resistance, including industrial action. A deputation of service-users, UNISON and NUT representatives addressed the Council meeting making it clear that we want labour Councillors to join the anti-cuts campaign, not do the Con-Dem’s dirty work for them. As the SOS Campaign’s statement put it: “It’s been done before: we defeated Thatchers’ Poll Tax – together we can beat Cameron and Clegg!”

Monday, 18 October 2010


Tuesday 20 October
from 6pm
Southwark Town Hall
Peckham Road SE5 8UB (corner of Havil St)
Bring banners, petitions, musical instruments, whistles… All ages welcome

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Targets for cuts - please update this list through posting comments

Thomas Carlton Centre Peckham - Cuts to adult education and course fee rises
London South Bank Uni - Tuition fee rises and cuts to courses
SLAM - Cuts of £3.7 million
Boyhood to Manhood Foundation
Library closures

Sunday, 10 October 2010


In cinemas now you can see the film Made in Dagenham - the story of women car workers who went on strike for equal pay in 1968 - and won. We can win too. People are starting to fight back all over Britain against job and service cuts that will hit schools, libraries, nurseries, care of the elderly and disabled. Join trade unions and community groups in Southwark fighting government and local council cuts.

Tuesday 20 October from 6pm
Southwark Town Hall
Peckham Road SE5 8UB (corner of Havil St)
Bring banners, petitions, musical instruments, whistles… All ages welcome

Public meeting
Wednesday 3 November 7pm
Salvation Army Hall
1 Princess St, SE1 6HH E

Save Adult Education in Southwark

Adult education in Southwark is facing severe cuts.
The tactic is to massively hike fees for learners in their
second term and insist each course recruits eight new people every term! But people won’t be able to afford to come back after Christmas and classes will be closed because of ‘lack of demand’.
Arts and crafts, fitness and dance, local history and other life-enhancing courses will disappear from
Southwark unless we act now. Thomas Calton
Centre in Peckham is the hub for Southwark’s adult education. Staff and students are already gathering support. Watch out for our campaign. Southwark
Council are hoping we will go quietly. We won’t!
What you can do:
 Join leafleting and petitioning Monday and Tuesday lunchtimes at Thomas Calton, Alpha St. SE15, (Behind Netto’s on Rye Lane)
 Join our banner at the demonstration at Peckham Town Hall, from 6pm on October 20
 To help Save Southwark Adult Learning: email