Friday 25 March 2011

There are many reasons why I’ll be marching with my family on 26th March.

"I believe the government does not have a mandate from the electorate to dismantle the public sector. Why is the bailing out of the banks being paid for by the loss of public services, pensions and welfare benefits, which support all in society including the most vulnerable? Meanwhile, those in the banking sector continue to be astronomically rewarded.

I am an artist who works part time for Southwark Mind a small charity supporting those most at risk and isolated in society and who experience mental health problems. My hours are likely to be reduced, many mental health services are under threat and the impact of such changes, as well as those to the benefits system is having a terribly detrimental impact on the well-being of Southwark Mind’s members.

I have made six lollipops in support of Southwark Save Our Services, I understand the numbers of lollipop people and community wardens will be cut in Southwark this year. My eight year old daughter will wear a tee-shirt with her drawing of a lollipop sign on it.
These cuts impact on what I value and work to improve in our society: below is a cartoon I have drawn which portrays the carnage of the cuts and expresses why I am marching on the 26th March 2011." 

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