Tuesday, 29 March 2011

After Saturday's demonstration - anti-cuts action continues!

After the magnificent march and demonstration last Saturday, we are organising our future events at our meeting on Wednesday (see below).  There is an important demonstration on Friday, a protest on Sunday and two meetings to discuss plans for action across London. Please contact us if you want more details, and see below for reports and pictures of the South London Feeder march which attracted 5,000 people!

WEDNESDAY 30th March
7 pm. Southwark Save Our Services (SSOS)  Organising meeting – open to all. Room A2, at London South Bank University, London Road Building, SE1 6LN. Ring 07939 090 667 for further directions and to receive an agenda.

FRIDAY 1st April
5pm - 6pm. LOBBY SIMON HUGHES TO DEFEND THE NHS! Liberal Democrats' Office, Market Place, Bermondsey, SE16 3UQ.
As part of the TUC’s "All Together for the NHS Day", London Keep Our NHS Public is organising a lobby of the Liberal Democrats' office in Bermondsey, constituency of Simon Hughes, calling on him to vote against the Bill.  Join us there. Southwark Keep Our NHS Public are supporting this event.

SATURDAY 2nd April
3 pm - 6pm. A mass open meeting for activists from community groups, national campaigns and especially the local anti-cuts movement, to come together after the demo at UCL to discuss: i. An assessment of the 26 March ii. Future plans and actions. No plans for any top table speakers, etc, but a space to develop a concrete plan of action. Called by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) and co-sponsored by Coalition of Resistance & Right to Work Campaign

SUNDAY 3rd April
10 am at 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA
Mother's Day Protest (presenting petition re Children’s Centre closures. Organised by No Cuts for kids)

TUESDAY 5th April
7.30 pm. ‘Where next after March 26?’ – Open Forum, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4RL (Holborn Tube) John McDonnell MP, strikers from: Tower Hamlets and Camden NUT and UNISON, health campaigners, UCU strikers and more. Called by the Right to Work Campaign

Saturday 16 April: 1pm. "Our cuts - their celebration" a meeting at London South Bank University, London Road SE1, Room A10. Organised by RSC. Further details to be announced.


Thanks to all everyone who has sent us messages of congratulations and support after Saturday’s hugely successful march through central London.

We think the feeder march from Kennington Park to Westminster Bridge which we helped to organise marks a turning point in the campaign against cuts to services and jobs in South London. About 2 - 3,000 people assembled in Kennington Park and by the time we were marching up Kennington Road, the numbers, according to police estimates, had swollen to 5,000.


Large contingents of local trade unionists came with their banners from UNISON, NUT, GMB, UNITE, UCU and others; Campaign groups from across south London including those fighting for Rights for the Disabled, Defending Adult Education, ‘Keep Our NHS Public’, BARAC the black activists group, and the Latin American Coalition Against the Cuts; Students from Camberwell College of Art, Goldsmith’s and South Bank Universities, and from local secondary schools; ‘The Armed Wing of the TUC’ brought not only people but a huge ‘Trojan Horse’ to accompany the demonstrators.

All those who took to the streets of Kennington showed a determination to make their voices heard, traffic was halted, and as people poured onto Westminster Bridge the police lines conceded as demonstrators flooded across to meet with the main body of the march. It was a great feeling!

From the messages we have received, we feel that Saturday’s huge demonstration has given confidence to thousands more, both in south London and elsewhere, to resist the cuts being made by a Government that has no mandate for its policies. Given the number of strikes planned across London by public sector workers later this week in Camden and Tower Hamlets, and the occupations of public buildings in south London threatened with closure, we will be doing everything possible to encourage the same sort of actions in our own borough in the coming weeks and months!

Having said all that, Southwark SOS campaign urgently needs more volunteers to help with the tasks of keeping in contact with the rapidly expanding number of people and community groups who want to work with us. Also, if you’re not yet on our email list to receive a weekly bulletin of events, we will gladly add you to the e-list.  Please email southwarksos@gmail.com.

We spent a lot of money - printing 16,000 leaflets for Southwark alone – in order to advertise the feeder march and the TUC demonstration. We are already thinking about future events to organise and support so please help us to fund all this by donating, or setting up a standing order to Southwark SOS campaign.
Donate online to: Southwark SOS, HSBC, Sort code: 40-05-25, Account no: 11643002

Friday, 25 March 2011

There are many reasons why I’ll be marching with my family on 26th March.

"I believe the government does not have a mandate from the electorate to dismantle the public sector. Why is the bailing out of the banks being paid for by the loss of public services, pensions and welfare benefits, which support all in society including the most vulnerable? Meanwhile, those in the banking sector continue to be astronomically rewarded.

I am an artist who works part time for Southwark Mind a small charity supporting those most at risk and isolated in society and who experience mental health problems. My hours are likely to be reduced, many mental health services are under threat and the impact of such changes, as well as those to the benefits system is having a terribly detrimental impact on the well-being of Southwark Mind’s members.

I have made six lollipops in support of Southwark Save Our Services, I understand the numbers of lollipop people and community wardens will be cut in Southwark this year. My eight year old daughter will wear a tee-shirt with her drawing of a lollipop sign on it.
These cuts impact on what I value and work to improve in our society: below is a cartoon I have drawn which portrays the carnage of the cuts and expresses why I am marching on the 26th March 2011." 

Thursday, 24 March 2011


This Saturday is a crucial moment in the fight against austerity and cuts. Hundreds of thousands of people will converge on Hyde Park in the TUC’s ‘March for the Alternative’.

The South London assembly point is 11am at Kennington Park, nearest Tube Oval. From there we will march together to the Embankment to join the main demonstration.

The ‘March for the Alternative’ brings together people across the UK who want to stop the Con-Dem government’s attack on the welfare state through cuts and privatisation. We want jobs for young people; we want properly funded services that are accessible to all; we want an environment that is safe and sustainable.  We don’t want our communities put at risk by profiteers and bankers.

Southwark Save Our Services is proud to have worked with community groups, trade unions and other campaigning, anti-cuts organisations to organise this feeder march.  We want to ensure that families, groups of friends and organised contingents can march peacefully and safely in about 30 minutes to join the main march. We encourage you to bring your own placards or banners that represent you feelings about government policies, or your group’s name. We want the demonstration to be noisy, fun and vibrant. And yes, we are angry! Let’s shout, chant and whistle to let the whole of Kennington hear us, and come and join us on the march!

Meeting at Kennington will be easy – we will assemble in the park’s North Field, next to Kennington Park Place. People at the gates will point the way. We will assemble ready for departure as soon as numbers allow, and our stewards will escort us up Kennington Road towards Waterloo.

If you are new to marching, there is advice at the TUC website which you may find useful.

We have spent a lot of money - printing 16,000 leaflets for Southwark alone – in order to advertise the feeder march and the TUC’s ‘Alternatives’ (Jobs, Growth, Justice). Help us to fund this, and the publicity for the next and future events we organise, by donating or setting up a standing order to Southwark SOS campaign.
Donate online to: Southwark SOS
Sort code: 40-05-25
Account no: 11643002
or send a cheque made out to Southwark Save Our Services c/o Bermondsey Town Hall Municipal Buildings, 19 Spa Road Bermondsey London SE16 3QN 

We are excited by the prospect of a huge demonstration of opposition on Saturday, but we know that however weak the government is, and without a mandate for the cuts they are driving through, they will only shift with massive and sustained pressure from us. We need more action after Saturday. Strikes against cuts and to protect pensions have begun. Occupations and demonstrations will be taking place in the coming weeks and months to protect jobs and services. Individuals and groups already in Southwark SOS campaign will be supporting them, but we need you, and thousands more like you to join us in these activities. Please contact us and offer what help you can.

Facebook: Southwark SOS

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Great video - South London resistance

Marcharemos juntos! - Sábado 26 de Março

Coalizão Latino-americana Contra os Cortes

Ninguém é ilegal

Marcharemos juntos!
Homens e mulheres da América Latina.

Em defensa de nossos trabalhos, dos serviços públicos e de nossos direitos como imigrantes!

26 de Março – 11am
Kennington Park
Perto da estação de OVAL

De latino-americanos para latino-americanos

O que está acontecendo?
Os cortes sociais que o governo britânico de coalizão liberal/conservadora está empurrando atualmente fazem parte de uma política governamental que tem sido estendida por toda a Europa e põe em risco o Estado do Bem-Estar Social, historicamente conquistado pela luta dos trabalhadores.  

Talvez nem todos de nós, imigrantes, tenhamos entendido o alcance dessas políticas agressivas.
Talvez muitos de nós pensemos que não podemos sequer ser afetados.

Talvez NEM TODOS do nós, imigrantes, entendamos o alcance dessas políticas neoliberais.
Talvez MUITOS de nós pensamos que não podemos chegar a ser afetados.

MAS NOS AFETAM...a todos e à todas.

Principalmente nós, os imigrantes
Até os mais pobres e vulneráveis da nossa sociedade, gente comum e cotidiana, trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, estudantes, donas-de-casa, mulheres, idosos e idosas, crianças, pessoas com limitações físicas...

Por quê?  Porque...
pioraram nossas condições de vida,
aumentaram os custos da educação,
acentuaram as desigualdades,
golpearam diretamente ao mais fracos,
acarretaram conflitos sociais.
Impulsionaram e fortaleceram  atitudes xenófobas e fascistas,
Aumentaram a perseguição aos imigrantes: ataques, vigilância, listas-negras e denúncias.

E não é justo porque...
Estamos pagando as consequências de uma crise que nós não a criamos e por erros que nós não cometemos. Com nosso trabalho, somos agentes da solução.

O que fazer?

Sair e protestar.
Unir-se às manifestações de protesto social e sindical contra essas políticas de cortes sociais e de ameaça ao bem-estar social.

É hora de atuar!
Amanhã pode ser tarde demais.

Friday, 18 March 2011


Defendamos los Servicios 
Defendamos el
NHS ...
Protejamos  la Educación ...
Luchemos por cada puesto de
trabajo ...
El pueblo primero que las ganancias


Punto de encuentro en el Sur de Londres para la Protesta del 26 de marzo
Cerca de la estación Oval (metro)        www.tinyurl.com/26SouthLondon


El 26 de marzo será una protesta masiva en contra de los recortes. Es convocada por el movimiento sindical y busca tener a cientos de miles en las calles - grupos de la comunidad, sindicalistas, inmigrantes, mujeres….
Aquí en el sur de Londres, estamos pidiéndole a usted, su familia y amigos que se reúnan en Kennington
Park. Únete a nosotros para protestar en contra de este Gobierno.
Cameron y Clegg representan
 a los millonarios, pero nosotros somos  millones!
El 26 de marzo puede ser un paso para expulsar a losCon-Dems’, pero sólo si representa
a todos los afectados por los recortes.
Si los conservadores salen con la suya los recortes destruirán la sociedad.
Si desea proteger el servicio nacional de salud (NHS) y  la educación, proteger a los vulnerables y
luchar por el empleo entonces marche con nosotros el día 26

Lambeth TUC; Southwark
TUC; Lambeth Save Our
Services; Southwark Save
Our Services; Lewisham
Anti Cuts Alliance;
Wandsworth Against Cuts;
Lambeth and Lewisham
Right to Work; Defend
Southbank - Defend
La educación; América Latina
Coalición contra los cortes;
y muchos más ...
Para añadir su nombre envíe un email a

Great Video - WHY WE ARE MARCHING on 26thMARCH

A secretary from south London tells her fellow bus passengers about the March for the Alternative. She's a natural
Please blog it, tweet it, facebook it, email it - Lorraine deserves to go viral.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Building for the TUC Demo on 26MAR

Saturday on Lordship Lane East Dulwich we had 8 people over two shifts 11 am -1.30.
We gave out about 600 leaflets, and several people offered to distribute them at various places including all of Lawrence House (Lewisham Council), London City College at Kennington, more at LSBU, and Grosvenor Estate (Walworth), where they have asked for an SSOS speaker for this Tuesday.
We took a sign-up sheet and got 19 people who want to join our email-list, including three people who want to help us leafleting. Quite a few people said “I already plan to come” and were very encouraged to know that we have a south London meeting point. One re-occurring theme was people with young families wanted to know whether the march would be safe for them. We explained that meeting up at Kennington Park was an ideal location to be able to meet up with friends and that the route (1.6 miles to meet the main march) was walkable and safe. I think we need to emphasise these points when we go out again next week.
Next Saturday, we are going to contact our local networks to get more leafleteers out (enough for an afternoon session) and we need a paste-table and some TUC/anti-cuts literature, plus a collecting tin (I am sure we could get lots of donations!)
Our next pitch is Wed or Thurs at East Dulwich Rail Station (details to be confirmed) and, on Wednesday, to visit workplaces in our area.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Southwark Speech and Language Therapy strike gets results

Dear friends and supporters ,

Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) were celebrating in Southwark yesterday (3MAR11) when the  reduction in funding to SALT services announced by Southwark Council was far less than had been anticipated and Unite members are now well placed to defend jobs and services , following their one day strike against redundancies in February. 

Thanks to a high profile campaign which had fantastic support from parents , schools the local community and trade unions , the local authority has obviously had second thoughts about taking the axe to a popular and essential front- line service for vunerable children. 

Although funding from Southwark Council will be cut by 30% , this represents a smaller reduction in service than had been predicted, and should allow Southwark PCT to create some new SALT posts, which would be prioritised for the eleven Southwark SALTs at risk of redundancy should they wish to apply for them.  Where staff at risk of redundancy have found other jobs and wish to move on , Unite will be campaiging to protect their posts and the services they provide. 

Southwark SALTs are linking their campaign with colleagues across the country, and when they met with Shadow Health Minister John Healy this week, he gave his support to Unite's plan to hold an evidence - gathering session at the House of Commons, where SALTs from across the country will be invited to provide information about the impact of cuts on SALT services. 

Unite's campaign to save Speech and Language Therapy jobs and services goes from strength to strength and Southwark SALTs are calling on other NHS staff and service users to join them outside the Department of Health in Whitehall on Wednesday 9th March at 4pm , when Southwark SALTs will hand in over 2,000 petitions against the redundancies.  Following this we will be joining other NHS staff and the public on the march to defend NHS jobs at the Royal London in Whitechapel at 5pm , going through the City of London and finishing at Barts. 

While we are aware that there is still much to fight for , SALTs in Southwark have shown that if you are prepared to speak up and stand up for your clients and your jobs , it is more than possible to stop the cuts, and are very grateful for the tremendous support we have received. 

Our dispute is not over yet , so please keep sending messages of support

Tell your friends join the other two thousand signing the online petition -  

Stephen Hack , Southwark SALT Unite workplace rep