After the magnificent march and demonstration last Saturday, we are organising our future events at our meeting on Wednesday (see below). There is an important demonstration on Friday, a protest on Sunday and two meetings to discuss plans for action across London. Please contact us if you want more details, and see below for reports and pictures of the South London Feeder march which attracted 5,000 people!
WEDNESDAY 30th March
7 pm. Southwark Save Our Services (SSOS) Organising meeting – open to all. Room A2, at London South Bank University, London Road Building, SE1 6LN. Ring 07939 090 667 for further directions and to receive an agenda.
FRIDAY 1st April
5pm - 6pm. LOBBY SIMON HUGHES TO DEFEND THE NHS! Liberal Democrats' Office, Market Place, Bermondsey, SE16 3UQ.
As part of the TUC’s "All Together for the NHS Day", London Keep Our NHS Public is organising a lobby of the Liberal Democrats' office in Bermondsey, constituency of Simon Hughes, calling on him to vote against the Bill. Join us there. Southwark Keep Our NHS Public are supporting this event.
SATURDAY 2nd April
3 pm - 6pm. A mass open meeting for activists from community groups, national campaigns and especially the local anti-cuts movement, to come together after the demo at UCL to discuss: i. An assessment of the 26 March ii. Future plans and actions. No plans for any top table speakers, etc, but a space to develop a concrete plan of action. Called by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) and co-sponsored by Coalition of Resistance & Right to Work Campaign
SUNDAY 3rd April
10 am at 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA
Mother's Day Protest (presenting petition re Children’s Centre closures. Organised by No Cuts for kids)
TUESDAY 5th April
7.30 pm. ‘Where next after March 26?’ – Open Forum, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4RL (Holborn Tube) John McDonnell MP, strikers from: Tower Hamlets and Camden NUT and UNISON, health campaigners, UCU strikers and more. Called by the Right to Work Campaign
Saturday 16 April: 1pm. "Our cuts - their celebration" a meeting at London South Bank University, London Road SE1, Room A10. Organised by RSC. Further details to be announced.