Tuesday, 17 November 2015

73% Cuts to Youth and PLAYservice!

Stop the destruction of youth services in Southwark!

Lobby Southwark Council!
Tuesday 17th November
Meet at 3.30p.m
160 Tooley Street  SE1

Southwark Council plans to cut 73% of the youth service budget and effectively end council run youth services as we know them.

The council proposes to cut £2.5 million from the youth service budget leaving less than £1million to work with some of the most disadvantaged young people in London. 122 full and part time posts will be reduced to just 42 part time posts.

The council also plans to shut a number of its 8 youth centres. The cuts are to be made by April 2016 and the rest of the ‘service’ transferred to the Environment and Leisure department. This will de-professionalise and de-skill professional youth workers.

The council has reneged on its promise to protect frontline services. Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Party leader, has said ‘austerity is a political choice’. Southwark must not abandon young people whilst sitting on millions of pounds of reserves which can be used to support the local community along with the fight to get more money from central government.

If the proposals go through then vulnerable young people will be left with no effective support and inadequate safeguarding - prey to dangerous elements on the streets.

Come along to the lobby! And we urge you to lobby other community related forums with young people and families to stop this destruction of the service!

Supported by GMB, Unison and Unite unions

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