Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Lobby Southwark Council budget meeting!

Southwark Trades Council

Lobby Southwark Council budget meeting!

Wed 25th Feb
160 Tooley St, SE1 6 -- 7pm

Southwark Trades Council stands firmly against ALL cuts. We will fight for decent jobs, services and homes. We understand that a ConDem government set national cuts which do impact on local decisions, however we can not accept cuts should be made locally and we urge all councilors to vote and campaign with us to fight these.

No more job cuts, no more selling off of housing and land!

Southwark Trades Council supports NO council tax increases or Budget cuts. Thousands of residents have been dragged through courts with over 10% more people are forced to pay more despite very low incomes. This council is implementing welfare cuts whilst sitting on reserves and not fighting for our community. With the addition of rising housing costs, and job cuts are plunging more of our communities into unnecessary poverty. Over 7000 residents in our borough are using foodbanks, this is wholly unnecessary.

Southwark Council’s budget was cut by £25 million in 2014. The council meeting sets the Council Tax budget and includes a proposed £31 million cuts:
    •    200 jobs cuts
    •    Elderly will be 'encouraged' to say in their homes rather than going into care homes. Monitored by technology rather than people!
    •    Closure of all Cash offices and cut in call centre hours

We have already lost 600 jobs since 2010. This has left excess workloads on a far smaller workforce. Those left in the council, many who are also local residents, have also experienced a 16% cut in wages. With that sort of cut, its no wonder more people in work are claiming Housing Benefit. Controlling rents would make more sense to our community lifting insecurity and cutting the HB bill which is making landlords richer. We just can’t afford any more cuts especially whilst we see land and homes sold off to multinationals who then provide little to nothing in terms of secure social rented accommodation.

What can councils do?
• Work with the trade unions and local community, who in consultations wish to see council services protected and in many cases an increase in funding. Use
more reserves & campaign with us for more government funding
• No cuts to jobs and support the campaign for £1 an hour rise pay rise
No cuts in services such as the £17.9m in children’s & adult services. Bedroom tax & Council tax cuts – Immediately award Discretionary Housing payments to claimants affected by bedroom tax and cancel all possession and bailiff orders for those effected by welfare cuts.

What can YOU do:
1. Join the lobby
2. Contact your local councillor ahead of the meeting or call your local councillor or contact them online https://www.writetothem.com/
3. Use your social media Tweet #NoCuts @lb_southwark & @peterjohn6
We will be holding a general election hustings meeting focusing on who will fight austerity on Monday 30th. Venue to be confirmed but keep in touch via southwarktuc@gmail.com and https://southwarktuc.wordpress.com/

Get involved in a trade union: find out more from the Trades council or Southwark UNISON, (0207 525 6030); UNITE Community (0333 240 9798) or Unite Housing workers: www.housingworkers.org.uk

Organised by Southwark Trades Council
Supported by Southwark UNISON & Unite Housing Workers LE1111 E: southwarktuc@gmail.com W: https://southwarktuc.wordpress.com/

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