Saturday, 22 September 2012

Help us publicise the TUC demonstration on October 20

With the impact of austerity measures being felt across Britain as well as across Europe, the TUC demonstration ‘For a Future that Works’ on Saturday 20 October will be a hugely important event that we hope you will want to support.

All of us in Southwark who were involved in the build-up to the last TUC demonstration on 26 March last year will recall that the half-million who took to the streets on that day were mobilised by weeks of concerted activity in every locality across Britain, including here in South London. We collaborated with other boroughs to help build a feeder march on the day numbering some thousands, marching to the main demonstration. The following months then saw an escalation of strikes against the Government’s attack on pensions which, many would argue, were launched because of the enthusiasm and confidence generated by the 26 March demonstration.

We need your help urgently to mobilise hundreds of thousands of people who will want to attend the demonstration but don’t yet know about it!

This Saturday 22 September and throughout October until the demonstration we are organising mass-leafleting across Southwark publicising the TUC demonstration. Join other volunteers leafleting your nearest shopping centre or rail station, or we can supply you with bundles of leaflets for your own street/housing estate. Contact  or ring 07939 090 667.

Monday 24 September

6-8pm, Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts meeting at Southwark Independent Living Centre, 10 Bradenham Close  SE17 2QB.  Please RSVP to   Please invite others you think would be interested. One of the items on the agenda will be organising transport for disabled people to attend the TUC demonstration.

Wednesday 10 October

7 pm. All-Southwark Rally Against the Cuts: For A Future that Works! Speakers include John McDonnell MP, a speakers from Greece, local trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners. Salvation Army Hall, Princess Street SE1 (Elephant & Castle.)  Called by Southwark TUC.

Saturday 20 October

'For A Future That Works' - mass TUC demonstration in London. From 10.30am. Local assembly point at Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park (outside the Imperial War Museum). More details about the demonstration from the TUC at and here. Get TUC flyers downloaded here and contact for bulk supplies of the local leaflet (attached) advertising the local assembly point at Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park (outside the Imperial War Museum).

Monday, 10 September 2012

Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts invite you to an open meeting

Are you sick of:
  • Work Capability Assessments?
  • Benefit cuts?
  • Services slashed?
  • Care cuts?
  • Disability hate crime on the increase?
  • Housing benefit hammered?
  • Council tax benefit shrunk?
  • DLA for the chop?
  • Fear?
  • Despair?
  • ATOS?


 Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts invite you to an open meeting to work out a plan of action to defend:
  • ourselves
  • our benefits
  • our services.

 Tuesday 11 September    2-4pm

 Southwark Independent Living Centre, 10 Bradenham Close  SE17 2QB        

RSVP  and ask to be put on the email list

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

An ‘autumn of discontent’!

Action Alert                                            26 August 2012

This month sees the mobilisation for a demonstration on 20 October against the Government’s cuts and austerity, timed to coincide with George Osborne’s spending review designed to cut public spending by £83bn. Organisers want to get a million people on the streets of London on that day, alongside the national strikes over spending cuts, pay and pensions that are being organised. There are details below of local planning meetings, rallies and mass-leafleting. Come along!


Wednesday 5 September

6 pm. Mobilisation Meeting for the TUC’s Oct 20 demonstration ‘For a Future that Works ‘. Help us to organise the publicity for the demonstration across Lambeth & Southwark. Open to representatives and activists from trade unions, community and campaign organisations in South London. Venue: the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road SW2 1EP (two minutes’ walk from the Town Hall and Ritzy Cinema). Disabled access.  Called by various anti-cuts groups, trade union and community organisations in Lambeth/Southwark. For more details contact .

Sunday 9 September

1pm. Lobby of TUC conference in Brighton: 'Strike against Austerity!' Called by the National Shop Stewards Network. Train tickets available at £5 return. Phone 07977 132 391. Meet at London Bridge Station near M&S. More details here .

Tuesday 11 September

2-4pm. Meeting of the newly-formed Southwark group of Disabled People Against the Cuts. Open meeting to plan action to defend ourselves, our benefits and our services. Venue: Southwark Independent Living Centre, 10 Bradenham Close  SE17 2QB. Email to for more details.

Saturday 15 September

All Day. Mass-leafleting across Southwark, and at the Lambeth Country Show, publicising the TUC demonstration on 20 October (see below). Contact  to join other volunteers leafleting your nearest shopping centre, or we can supply you with bundles of leaflets for your own street/housing estate!

Saturday 22 September

Protest at Lib-Dem conference in Brighton. Organised by Stop the Cuts, Right to Work and Brighton Trades Council.  More details to be announced.

Advance notice

Thursday 4 October

7-9pm. All London public meeting: tackling fuel poverty. Venue: Crossroads Women's Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, Kentish Town, London NW5 2DX.  Organised by Fuel Poverty Action ( ).

Sunday 7 October

Demonstration outside the Tory Conference in Birmingham. Called by the Right to Work Campaign and others. More details to be announced.

Wednesday 10 October

7 pm. All-Southwark Rally Against the Cuts: For A Future that Works! Speakers include John McDonnell MP, speakers from Greece, local trade unions and anti-cuts campaigns. Venue to be announced. Called by Southwark TUC.

Sunday 14 October

11:30am – 5:30pm. Conference:  Austerity, Justice & the Power of Protest. Defend the Right to Protest 2012 National Conference. London. Details here.

Saturday 20 October

11am. 'A Future That Works' - mass TUC demonstration in London.  More details from the TUC at and here. Get flyers downloaded here or contact for bulk supplies and information about the local assembly point planned for Oval Tube/Kennington Park. (Also see 5th & 15th September above, for information about the South London mobilisation for this event.)