Tuesday 27 December 2011


Many people who participated in the recent public sector strike over pensions, and others who oppose the Government’s cuts agenda, are angry with the way an ‘agreement’ has been reached between some trade union leaders and Government ministers, and the terms of that that agreement. Many unions however have not ‘signed up’. What do you think? We are keen to hear your views about the ‘Heads of Agreement’ deal announced a few days ago, and whether you think more industrial action is needed. Please email us here .

Several lobbies and protest events have already been called over this latest development in the pensions dispute. Please attend if you can, and make your views known to those who have been negotiating on behalf of millions of public sector workers.

This is the wording of a petition that is being circulated amongst trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners. You can sign it here .

“We the undersigned: Recognise that the magnificent N30 strike showed the potential power of public sector workers to defeat the government. We reject Maude's latest pensions proposals which will mean all public sector workers having to work longer, pay more, and get less. We say no to secret deals by union leaders over the heads of the membership. We demand democratic control of the negotiations. We demand that the date is set for the next co-ordinated public sector strike early in the New Year. UNISON Scotland has already proposed 25 January as the date of the next strike.

Please forward the following link to those with whom you are in contact, especially campaign networks and trade union branch members. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/pensions_strike_january/

New events may be organised at short notice. Please check our website, Facebook page or follow us on Twitter @southwarkSOS for updates on this issue.

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