Sunday, 27 November 2011

Southwark fights back - November 30th Strikes and solidarity

Twenty-six unions and around 3 million workers are striking to defend pensions. We are organising together to build on the unity shown when 800,000 workers went on strike on June 30th.

You can help defend our pensions, and public services. If you’re striking join one of the pickets. We will be coming together at London South Bank University to make November 30th, a day of resistance to the Con-Dem Government's attacks.

If you’re supporting us then please come down to our pickets and rally to show your solidarity. If we are to defeat this government then we need to unite our resistance. We didn’t create this crisis and we won’t pay for it.


Please bring messages of support from your house, workplace and friends.

Hospitals (7am onwards):
King’s College and Maudsley (Denmark Hill), Sunshine House

Universities and Colleges:
London South Bank (London Road and Keyworth Street), London College of Communications (Elephant & castle), Southwark College (Keetons Road, SE16)

Job Centres:
Peckham, Camberwell, Newington Causeway

Peckham, Newington (Walworth)

Local Government:
160 Tooley Street (by London Bridge), Mabel Goldwin House, SE1 3DY, Southwark Learning and Business Centre, SE15 6AA Housing Services, Bournemouth Road (nr Peckham Rye), Recycling & reuse centre, Manor Place, Cleaning Services, Sandgate Street, Children’s Services, Sumner House, Bradenham Close, SE17 ,City Hall, SE1 2AA.

Schools and Children Centres:
South Bermondsey Early Years

Other Southwark Schools & Academies:
Contact the NUT office - Also Unison office -

Government Buildings:
Skipton House (by Bakerloo Tube, E&C), EHRC (Riverside, Tooley St), New Kings Beam House (by Blackfriars Bridge), Rose Court (by Southwark Bridge), Becket House (behind Guy’s Hosp.), Wellington House (Waterloo Road nr Old Vic), Imperial War Museum (Lambeth Road), Tate Modern (Bankside), Met Police (Lambeth  Road, near river), Southwark Police Station (Borough High St.)

10.30am Strikers breakfast & rally
Outside London Southbank University, Ontario St and Skipton House SE1 6LH. With strikers and supporters from across Southwark coming together.

11.45am Feeder March to Central London Protest
Supporters and community organisations are encouraged to join a united delegation to the central London March (details overleaf). Some of us are private sector workers who get no pension but are supporting this strike because we want this campaign to lead a fight for decent pensions for all.

12 noon Central London March assembly
The SERTUC march and London regional rally will assemble in Lincoln's Inn Fields from 12 noon, move off at 1pm to the Rally at 2pm on Victoria Embankment (the road will be closed)

Friday, 25 November 2011


Join us tomorrow in Peckham to help build public support for the 30 NOVEMBER strikes! 
Twenty-six unions and around 3 million workers are striking to defend pensions. We are organising together to build on the unity shown when 800,000 workers went on strike on June 30th.

Meet up at 1.30pm outside Aylesham Shopping Centre on Peckham Rye Lane. 
The South London Battle Bus will be coming round the corner - get on board! 

You can help defend our pensions and public services. If you’re striking join one of the pickets. We will be coming together at London South Bank University to make November 30th, a day of resistance to the Con-Dem Government's attacks.

Sunday, 20 November 2011


Already more than two million people are set to strike against cuts to pensions on 30th November. The size of the majorities in favour of action, and many other indicators, show that opposition to the whole raft of government cuts is energising both trade unionists and the general public.

Leafleting and visiting local workplaces and community groups will go on right up to the strike day. Please invite a Southwark SOS speaker or a local trade unionist to talk to your colleagues about why 30th November is so important, contact us to arrange this.

You can order leaflets to distribute yourself or join the teams in your local area. Please email us ( or contact John on 07519 811 657.

 We are helping to organise visiting of picket lines, a striker’s canteen and a feeder march on 30th so come to the Elephant and Castle and join trade unionists and supporters there. If you can help with the canteen and/or provide refreshments/donations, get in touch with Denise on 020 7062 0253. New events and development will be coming on-line, so follow us at these links:
Twitter @southwarkSOS
Facebook: Southwark SSOS


Support the Occupy LSX movement. There is a tent maintained by South London anti-cuts activists (including those from Southwark SOS) in Finsbury Square, working closely with activists at St Paul’s. Contact Southwark SOS or Leslie on 0777-6000-861. Watch our website/Facebook for latest news re. evictions.

Leafleting to publicise the aims of the Public Sector pensions strike on 30th November. Beginning this week and continuing right up to 29th November. Volunteers needed - contact John on 07519 811 657.


Monday 21st November

6 pm – 7 pm. N30: Coordination of Southwark solidarity activities up to and on the strike day. Held at The Tiger pub, Camberwell Green. Organised by Southwark Save Our Services campaign. Details from

Wednesday 23rd November
Education Day of Action. Called by NCAFC. Events to be arranged. Details

Thursday, 24 November

7.00pm- 9.00pm.  The No Cuts Cabaret. Musical performances and political satire plus speakers, including Ken Livingstone. At the Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, Crofton Park, Lewisham. Hosted by Unite and Unison. Press release and background

Friday 25th, Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th  November

Leafleting various Southwark locations (rail stations, shopping centres etc.) to publicise the aims of the Public Sector pensions strike on 30th November. (and more leafleting on 28th/29th). Volunteers still needed - contact John on 07519 811 657. Battle Bus touring Southwark, Lambeth & Lewisham on Saturday. Come on board for an hour or longer. Contact here to get itinerary.

Wednesday 30th November

Public Sector Strike over Pensions. Picket lines across Southwark, London and nationally. Strikers and their supporters are assembling at London Road, Elephant & Castle at a ‘Strikers’ Canteen’ (10.30am -11.30) before marching to Lincoln’s Inn Fields, then main All-London demonstration to a rally on Victoria Embankment. Hospitals will have lunchtime rallies. Further details of local events (picketing, etc) and London demonstration are obtainable from Southwark SOS, on our website or on our Facebook page.


Monday 5th December: 7.30. ‘Fight Wandsworth’s Political Evictions’ Public meeting Community Centre, Doddington Estate, SW11. Supported by WAC, BWTUC, Defend Council Housing and Liberty. More details to follow.

Wednesday 7th December: 7 pm. Southwark Save Our Services campaign meeting: Where Now after the N30 Strike? Discussion, planning… and socialising! Venue to be confirmed. Contact here for further details.

Follow us!

Twitter @southwarkSOS

Facebook: Southwark SSOS

Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Every day - a new protest event!

Protests about homelessness, Job Centre cuts, redundancies, wage cuts Student fees, pensions, inequality …. Every day sees a new event being organised. Can you attend any of them, listed below?
Our Organising Group meets this Wednesday (details below) to discuss ways of supporting students on the 9th and the public sector strikers on 30th November. Come along and help us to make these days as big and successful as possible.
Will your trade union branch, campaign group, or tenants association be meeting in the next few weeks? Please invite a Southwark SOS speaker to talk about building support for 30th November, when 2-3 million people will be on strike against cuts to public sector pensions. Contact us here to arrange this.
If you can help us with leafleting - as many of you did leading up to the TUC demonstration last Spring – please email us .


Support the Occupy LSX movement. There is a tent maintained by South London anti-cuts activists (including those from Southwark SOS) in Finsbury Square, working closely with activists at St Paul’s. Contact Southwark SOS or Leslie on 0777-6000-861 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0777-6000-861. Watch our website/Facebook for latest news re. evictions.

Wednesday 2 November
6.45am.  Construction Electricians Protest against 35% wage cuts (all support welcome!) 110 Cannon Street. Closest tube Cannon Street. More info and updates here.

Wednesday 2nd November
1 pm – 3 pm. Lobby of Parliament over the issue of the proposed Job Centre closures and the threat of compulsory redundancies. Venue: House of Commons, Westminster. Organised by PCS union. Details here .

Wednesday 2nd November
7 pm. Organising meeting of Southwark Save Our Services Campaign to help mobilise for student held at London Southbank University, London Road Building. Individuals or representatives of local trade union branches, student groups, or anti-cuts campaigns are all invited to attend. Email or phone 07939 090 667 for agenda and further details. 

Saturday 5th November
12 noon.  National demonstration as the Jarrow March for Jobs arrives in London Assemble at Temple Embankment, marching to Trafalgar Square. Details are here. Organised by Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) campaign.

Wednesday 9th November
Construction Industry Day of Action against Wage Cuts.
7 am. Assemble Pinnacle building site, Bishopsgate (nearest tube: Liverpool Street).
11.30 am. Protest at ‘The Shard, then march to Blackfriars and on to Westminster.
Supported by UNITE, UCATT, GMB. Details of campaign here or here .

Wednesday 9th November
National Student demonstration.  12 noon. Assembling at University of London, Malet Street, marching to Finsbury Square, City of London. Feeder March from UniArts, High Holborn assembles at 11 am. Called by NCAFC. Officially backed by NUS. Supported by UCU and EAN. Publicity here and here and here . Route here. Placard image. Facebook page here .

Wednesday 9th November
7 pm. Southwark Trades Union Council public meeting on Pensions. Speakers from UNISON, NUT, PCS, UCU, UNITE. Walworth Methodist Hall, 54 Camberwell Road (cnr. Grosvenor Terrace) SE5 0EN. Buses from Elephant and Castle / Camberwell: 12, 40, 45, 68, 148,176, 468. Contact for more details and a flyer here .

Thursday 10th November
 ‘Colleges Inc!’ - film & discussion at Southbank University for all students, staff and others about the campaign against privatisation, cuts and pensions reform. Send for information here.

Saturday 12th November
10 am – 4 pm. South East Region TUC ‘Fighting for Public Services and Pensions Justice For All’ Mobilising Conference at Congress House, Great Russell Street WC1B 3LS. Details here .

Saturday 12th November
1.30 pm.  ‘Give Our Youth a Future’ demonstration. Assemble Windrush Square, Brixton. March to Max Roach Park.  Save Youth Services, Save Children’s Services, Save Our Schools, Save Free Education. Called by Lambeth Save Our Services campaign. Download a leaflet here .

Tuesday 15th November
4pm. Housing Protest at Parliament to oppose attacks on tenancies, rents and benefits, and demand new Council housing. Assemble at Old Palace Yard, London SW1P 3JY. Organised by Housing Emergency: Contact and leaflet

16th November
The equality impact of the cuts - free, one day conference at Congress House (Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS) Organised by the TUC. Workshops include welfare reform, impact of contracting out services, cuts to FE and HE and the consequences for equality of access and opportunity, and organising (including digital activism and community campaigning). Further details and booking here.

Advance notice (Further details to be announced – see our next ‘Action Alert’ email or check our website)

Saturday 19th November: ‘Unite the Resistance’ Convention, to build support for the November 30th strikes. 10am - 5pm, Royal Horticultural Halls & Conference Centre, Vincent Square SW1P 2PE. For trade union activists, anti-cuts campaigners, young people, students and pensioners. Details and bookings here and brochure/timetable are here .

19th November: 12 noon. March in Defence of Women's Rights! The government’s approach to cutting the deficit risks turning back time on women's equality’. Assemble: Temple Tube, Westminster. Called by the Fawcett Society. Details of the event are here.

Wednesday 30th November: Public Sector Strike over Pensions. Picket lines across Southwark, London and nationally. Strikers and their supporters are assembling near Elephant & Castle before attending  the Central London demonstration. Further details of local events (picketing, assemblies etc) and London demonstration obtainable from Southwark SOS.

Follow us!
Twitter @southwarkSOS
Facebook: Southwark SSOS

Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at