Friday, 2 December 2016

Social care, post office services, council housing – your help needed to protect them

1st December 2016

The health service in Southwark is facing unprecedented threats of privatisation and cuts to both patients’ services and NHS staff jobs and conditions of work. The Government’s latest tactic is to use so-called 'health tourism' (a tiny fraction of total NHS costs) as a way of diverting attention from the government’s failure to address NHS underfunding. Campaigning for improvements in social care and funding for health services free at the point of delivery are focuses for events listed below, as well challenging the threats to our post offices and the continued demolition of our council housing. All local campaign meetings below are free to attend and newcomers are always welcome!


Friday 2 December

10am for 10.30am. Campaigning for Social Care: talk and discussion led by Dot Gibson from the National Pensioners Convention.  Venue: Southwark Pensioners Centre, 305 - 307 Camberwell Road SE5 0HQ. (Two minutes from Camberwell Green.) Organised by Southwark Pensioners Action Group. More info at

Saturday 3 December

8.30am – 12.30pm. Visit the picket line outside Walworth Road Crown Post Office  -  234 Walworth Rd, London SE17 1JD - whose workers are on strike against job cuts, privatisation & attacks on pensions. Called by CWU. Send messages of support to

Saturday 3 December

10.30am -15.15pm.  ‘More than a Score’: Conference to organise opposition to SATs tests in primary schools. At Institute of Child Health, UCL Great Ormond St, 30 Guildford St, London, WC1N 1EH. Register at

Thursday 8 December

7pm. How do we stop council estate demolitions?  Public Meeting in Rotherhithe. Venue: Canada Estate Tenants’ Hall, Columbia Point, Moodkee Street, SE16 7BB. Organised by Southwark Defend Council Housing. Leaflet here, , map here

Thursday 15 December

Lambeth Keep Our NHS Public - Christmas social. Venue tbc. (The next business mtg is on 19th Jan.) The Lambeth group but covers some NHS Services in Southwark. If you want to help set up a Southwark KONP group, reply to this email or contact the organisers at See

Friday 23 December

12.00-2.00pm. Howl of Protest for the NHS, in Whitehall hosted by Hands off our NHS. Facebook event  at to mark the 'signing off' of STPs - though the next phase of the  battle begins in the New Year.

Further ahead

Thursday 19 January

7pm. The People's Question Time - Brexit: What are our Demands?

Panel to include: Emily Thornberry MP - Shadow Foreign Secretary, Labour Party, Amelia Womack - Deputy Leader, Green Party, Kevin Courtney - General Secretary, National Union of Teachers, Lindsey German - People's Assembly, Malia Bouattia - President, National Union of Students, Steve Turner - Assistant General Secretary, UNITE, (more tbc) Venue: St Pancras Church, Euston Road, NW1 2BA. Organised by the People’s Assembly. For more info and to book your place, go to

Tuesday 31 January

7pm. Southwark Defend Council Housing - organising meeting. Please note change to usual venue: Canada Estate Tenants’ Hall, Columbia Point, Moodkee Street, SE16 7BB. More information from For info about the national Axe the Housing Act campaign See websitetwitter and facebook.

Saturday 4 March

National demonstration to defend the NHS, in London called by Health Campaigns Together and supported by Unite. More information at

Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at

Other campaigns

Ritzy strikers. Contact or Twitter @RitzyLivingWage. Keep up to date with the campaign here .

South London People’s Assembly. Contact or reply to this email for more information.

Southwark Trades Union Council For details of meetings contact the secretary, Nick Phillips at

Stand Up for your Rights – free training for claimants. Further info from 020 7467 1283 or email Nick at

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

March against austerity & racism on 16 July

4 July 2016

The Tories have been plunged into crisis by the result of the EU referendum. Even though they are weaker and more divided than they have ever been, they will use Brexit to whip up anti-immigrant racism and accelerate their austerity policies and attacks on living standards. But it doesn't have to be this way.

However people voted in the referendum, we now need to unite to demand an end to austerity policies, to stand up to anti-immigrant racism and show our solidarity with refugees and migrants. The demonstration, called by the People’s Assembly and Stand Up to Racism on Saturday 16 July is the positive and united response to the political earthquake on 23 June.

Schools are facing the biggest cuts in a generation, in Southwark it will be 20%. Yet at the same time the Government is ploughing ahead with their costly plans to make every school an academy, costing an estimated £1.3 billion, privatising another huge sector of local authority services. Go to your nearest school picket line on Tuesday, and join thousands of teachers marching for education assembling in central London at 11 o’clock. Details of this and more are shown below.


Tuesday 5 July

National teachers’ strike called by the NUT against huge cuts to school budgets (20% in Southwark) and threats to national pay & conditions.

7.30 onwards. Many schools will have picket lines Please go along on your way to work and show your support. (Send messages of support to Download a leaflet for parents here to print and give to colleagues at work, parents, neighbours etc.

11am. Demonstration - Defend Education, assembling outside BBC, Portland Place, W1A 1AA (map), march to Westminster, finishing at rally in Parliament Square. For more information about the cuts and the campaign, see the NUT website here.

Tuesday 5 July

7pm. Defend Council Housing - organising meeting to discuss the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan, Axe the Housing Act and the Aylesbury Estate. Venue: Alvey Estate Tenants Hall, ground floor of Thomson House, Beckway Street, off East Street, SE17 1TS. Beckway Street is close to the end of East Street at its junction with the Old Kent Road. More information from

Tuesday 5 July

Celebrating 68th birthday of the NHS. Get information about local and national events being planned from or on Facebook

Thursday 7 – Friday 15 July

Various times. Leafleting train and tube stations to publicise the anti-austerity, anti-racism march on 16 July. (See below.) Times and locations to suit you! Contact Sarah on 07773031215 if you can help.

Saturday 9 July

11am to 4pm. SDCH stall campaigning against the Housing Bill (selling of social housing and creating insecure tenancies)at the Rotherhithe Festival, St Georges Fields, Entrance via Moodkee Street (Between Canada Water tube and Seven Islands Leisure Centre) SE16 7BL. There will be a gazebo  but please bring a garden chair or blankets to sit on

Tuesday 12 July
7.30pm. Public meeting: After Brexit Vote No to Austerity No to Racism. Speakers include Alf Dubs - Labour Peer and leading campaigner for UK to accept child refugees, Tosh McDonald - ASLEF (Train drivers union)  National President and Peoples Assembly, Rachel Heywood - Lambeth councillor, anti-austerity, Jacek SzymaƄski - Polish worker in London, Zak Crochrane - Stand Up to Racism. Organised by Stand Up to Racism, supported by People’s Assembly Against Austerity. Venue: Weare336, 336 Brixton Road, SW9 7AA. For more info - please ring or text 07956 579466. For map & directions see Facebook event

Saturday 16 July

12noon. National demonstration – After the Referendum: No to Austerity, No to Racism, Tories Must Go. Called jointly by The People’s Assembly Against Austerity and Stand Up to Racism. Assemble outside BBC, Portland Place, W1A 1AA (map). Please share and invite on Facebook

Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 July

11am onwards. Stalls for many anti-cuts/anti-austerity campaigns will be set up at the Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park. Reply to if you want to help.

Thursday 21 July

7pm - 9pm. Keep Our NHS Public organising meeting at Stockwell Centre, 1 Studley Rd (behind Stockwell Tube) SW4 6RA. This is a meeting of the Lambeth group – If you want to help set up a Southwark KONP group, reply to this email or contact the organisers at Facebook

Other campaigns

Stand Up for your Rights – free training for claimants. Further info from 020 7467 1283 or email Nick at

Axe the Housing Act campaign. Contact Southwark DCH on 07792 786 192. For further details, go to webpage here.

South London people’s Assembly Contact


Twitter @southwarkSOS

Facebook: Southwark SOS

Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

March for housing, defend our schools – come to these campaign events


15 June 2016

Southwark people will be joining thousands from across the country to march on Saturday against an all-out attack on social housing. We will be meeting up in Southwark to go up to the demo together. Bring your banners, placards, families and friends! The government’s threat to privatise schools has not gone away – Thursday’s south London meeting for parents is one of many being organised around the country – come along. Details of this and more are shown below.




Tuesday 14 June

8.30am. London Real Estate Forum: NO land deals – build council housing. At this ‘premier event for the development sector’, eight councils, Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service and other public bodies plan ‘deals and networking’. Assemble Berkeley Square, W1J 5AX. See  fb event for more details.


Thursday 16 June

7pm - 9pm. Keep Our NHS Public organising meeting at Stockwell Centre, 1 Studley Rd (behind Stockwell Tube) SW4 6RA. This is a meeting of the Lambeth group – If you want to help set up a Southwark KONP group, reply to this email or contact the organisers at Facebook


Thursday 16 June

7.30pm. Parents Defending Education – South London public meeting about the impact on your child’s education from forced academisation, funding freezes, more stressful testing of children. At Effraspace, 21 Effra Parade, SW2 1PX. Everyone welcome. Free entry with drinks & nibbles provided. Information about the issues and national campaign on Facebook


Saturday 18 June

12 noon. Axe the Housing Act march. Assemble Hyde Park Corner, march to Westminster. Southwark meet-up point - 11.30am Outside Metropolitan Tabernacle, opposite Elephant and Castle Tube, SE1 to get the bus together to Hyde Park Corner. Leaflet here. See also protest on 14 June above. If you’re going, contact Tanya (Southwark DCH) on 07792 786 192. For further details, go to Axe the Housing Act webpage 

Thursday 23 June

7pm. South London people’s Assembly organising meeting. Reports from campaigns including Convoy to Calais, Housing & Defending Education. Planning. Venue tbc. More information from


Tuesday 28 June

7pm. Defend Council Housing - organising meeting to discuss the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan and Axe the Housing Act. Venue: Alvey Estate Tenants Hall, ground floor of Thomson House, Beckway Street, off East Street, SE17 1TS. Beckway Street is close to the end of East Street at its junction with the Old Kent Road. More information from


Saturday 2 July

11am-4.30pm. Annual NSSN conference at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Speakers: Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Matt Wrack FBU General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Janice Godrich PCS President, Chris Baugh PCS Assistant General Secretary, Sean Hoyle RMT President, Yannis Gourtsoyannis BMA junior doctors committee national executive. Facebook event here.


Tuesday 5 July

Celebrating 68th birthday of the NHS. Get information about local and national events being planned from

Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 July

11am onwards. Stalls for many anti-cuts/anti-austerity campaigns will be set up at the Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park. Reply to if you want to help.


Other campaigns

Stand Up for your Rights – free training for claimants organised by London Unemployed Strategies campaign at Stockwell Park Community Centre, 21 Aytoun Place, SW9 0TE. Further info from 020 7467 1283 or email Nick at




Facebook: Southwark SOS


Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at


Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Housing, health & education – action that needs your support!


Southwark Save Our Services campaign       17th May 2016


The Housing Bill passed through parliament on Thursday 12th May but the campaign against it continues (see meeting this Wednesday). The government has been forced to back away from wholesale academisation of schools but it still intends to do much the same by stealth – hence the continuation of the NUT teachers’ union strike ballot. Student nurses and university lecturers also campaigning – go along to the events shown below – they will welcome your support!


Wednesday 18 May

6.30pm. Southwark Kill the Housing Bill Public Meeting. With Baroness Jenny Jones, Southwark Council Leader Peter John; Betty Joseph, Southwark NUT; Alison Gelder, Housing Justice; Cris Claridge SGTO

At Congreve and Barlow TRA, Doubtfire Hall, Tatum Street, SE17 1QR

If you want some leaflets or posters to distribute, contact


Thursday 19 May

7 - 9pm Keep Our NHS Public organising meeting at Stockwell Centre, 1 Studley Rd (behind Stockwell Tube) SW4 6RA. This is a meeting of the Lambeth group – If you want to help set up a Southwark KONP group, reply to this email or contact the organisers at Or see


Thursday 19 May

5.30pm – 7pm. Special meeting of Southwark NUT for members to find out about the White Paper and the NUT’s campaign. Venue: The Methodist Church Walworth, 54 Camberwell Rd., SE5 0EN. For more info phone 0207 740 6848 or email

Friday 20 May

12pm to 2pm. Stand Up for your Rights – free training for claimants organised by London Unemployed Strategies campaign at Stockwell Park Community Centre, 21 Aytoun Place, SW9 0TE. Further info from 020 7467 1283 or email Nick at


Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 May

From 8 am. Support the university lecturers (UCU) on strike over pay. There will be picket lines at London South Bank University (Elephant & Castle) and individual sites of the University of the Arts – LCC site at Elephant & Castle and Camberwell Art College, Peckham Road SE15. At 1.30 on Wednesday there will be a rally at the employers HQ in Tavistock Square.

Wednesday 25 May

10am -5pm. Lobby of MPs to oppose the cuts to NHS bursaries.

Meeting at Central Hall Westminster Official, Storey's Gate, SW1H 9NH. See Facebook event at .


Wednesday 25 May

7.30 pm, for 8pm start. Film showing & discussion: ‘Sell-Off' a short film by a group of British doctors which exposes the covert privatisation of the NHS which has occurred over the past 2 decades without a public mandate and against the public interest. Venue: Methodist Church Hall, 155 Half Moon Lane, SE24 9JG (towards North Dulwich station). Attendance is free and all are welcome. Hosted by Dulwich and West Norwood 38 Degrees group.


Tuesday 31 May

7pm. Defend Council Housing  - organising meeting at the Alvey Estate Tenants Hall, ground floor of Thomson House, Beckway Street, off East Street, SE17 1TS. Beckway Street is close to the end of East Street at its junction with the Old Kent Road. Map here. More information from


Saturday 4 June

1pm. March to save the NHS bursary: Assemble at St Thomas’ Hospital. See background to the strike at their Facebook event at


Looking ahead


Monday 13 June

Public meeting: ‘What sort of ‘Momentum’ do we need for a fight back?’ Joint meeting of Southwark Trades Council and Southwark Momentum. Speakers: Matt Wrack - Gen Sec FBU and Trades Union Momentum, Nadine Houghton (personal capacity) - GMB Organiser and Southwark Momentum, Aramark Striker (cleaners and caterers), Paul Fleming - Southwark Labour Councillor, Chaired by April Ashley - Chair, Southwark TUC. At Salvation Army Hall, Princess Street SE1 6HH. Contact: Southwark TUC at


Saturday 18 June

12 noon. National march against the Housing Bill. Assembly point tba, march to Westminster. Details to follow.



Twitter @southwarkSOS

Facebook: Southwark SOS


Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at


Sunday, 24 April 2016

Support junior doctors’ strike, leading the defence of the NHS
Action alert                                                      18th April 2016
The junior doctors’ campaign is in defence of the NHS and it coincides with the government’s plans to academise i.e. privatise every school in the country, and its plan to deny access to, if not destroy, social housing through the new Housing Bill. So it is vital that we all support the BMA’s strike action on 26/27 April in practical ways: come to Thursday’s Community meeting, and encourage everyone you can to come to the picket line, especially for 1.30pm, on 26th.  The various organising meetings below are places you can get involved in this action.
Thursday 21 April
7 – 9pm. Meet the King’s Doctors – a community meeting to hear about why junior doctors are taking further strike action, and how we can support them, defending the NHS. Speakers include striking doctors, NUT teachers union & Anti Academies Alliance. Venue: Crawford Estate Tenants Hall, Denmark Road, SE5 9EW. Called by the King’s College Hospital BMA Committee.
Thursday 21 April
 7 - 9pm Keep Our NHS Public organising meeting at Stockwell Centre, 1 Studley Rd (behind Stockwell Tube) SW4 6RA. This is a meeting of the Lambeth group – If you want to help set up a Southwark KONP group, reply to this email or contact the organisers at Facebook here.
Saturday 23 April
1-4pm. Parents Defending Education Rally against the Government’s plans to privatise and de-regulate state education. Speakers: author Michael Rosen, Kevin Courtney (NUT deputy gen sec), Mary Bousted (gen sec ATL teachers union). Venue: UCL Institute of Education (IoE), 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL (nearest tube: Euston). To reserve a free place, click on the ‘Register’ button here. Called by the Anti-Academies Alliance, supported by the NUT and ATL unions. Southwark Save Our Services is supporting a joint campaign in Southwark of parents and teachers against the attacks on education and local democracy. If you want to help, please email back or phone 07939090667.
Saturday 23 April and Monday 25 April
12.30pm. Leafleting to advertise a hustings on the subject of housing for the candidates standing in the Newington ward by-election. Meet up at McDonalds, Walworth Road. Contact Tanya on 07792 786 192 if you can help.
Tuesday 26 & Wednesday 27 April
  • 8am-5pm. Support junior doctors’ picket lines. Industrial action escalated to a full withdrawal of labour between 8am & 5pm. Other doctors and staff will continue to provide care during this time. Information at BMA Website here. Download a selfie poster here for yourself and workmates/ students/neighbours. Tweet or share it on Facebook with the hashtags: #JuniorDoctors #JuniorContract #NotSafeNotFair. To arrange for a doctor to speak to TU members at your place of work or union branch meeting, or to send messages of support contact
  • 1pm for 1.30pm on Tuesday. Solidarity protest at Junction of Bessemer Road/Denmark Hill SE5. Junior doctors are calling for trade unionists, residents and campaigners to attend this solidarity event and to maximise media coverage. Bring banners and everyone you know!
  • 5pm on Tuesday. London solidarity demonstration with junior doctors, marching from St Thomas’s Hospital to the Dept of Health. Called by London BMA, supported by London Region National Union of Teachers. FB event here. All welcome.

Tuesday 26 April
7pm. Defend Council Housing  - organising meeting at the Alvey Estate Tenants Hall, ground floor of Thomson House, Beckway Street, off East Street, SE17 1TS. Beckway Street is close to the end of East Street at its junction with the Old Kent Road. Map here. More information from
Thursday 28 April
6:30pm, Housing Hustings for the candidates standing in the Newington ward by-election in May. Venue: Draper Hall, 66 Hampton Street, junction of Newington Butts, London SE1. Leaflet and map here.
Twitter @southwarkSOS
Facebook: Southwark SOS
Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at

Friday, 8 April 2016

Doctors on strike, teachers ballot for a strike – support action on health, education, homes & jobs this month
Action alert  - Southwark Save Our Services campaign   3rd April 2016
Since the Government’s humiliating retreat over disability cuts and the launch of full-scale privatisation of education, a number of campaigns have taken off - doctors have escalating their strike action; teachers have agreed to ballot for a national strike and anti-cuts campaigns in south London have taken important initiatives that you can support: Faced with closure by Lambeth Council, campaigners have occupied Carnegie Library in Herne Hill, and on the Alton Estate in Wandsworth, parents occupied the children’s Activity centre. Many Southwark people will be also attending the national demonstration, the March for Health, Homes, Jobs and Education on Sat 16 April. All details are below. If you want to meet-up with fellow-campaigners to attend any of these, email back or phone 07939090667 and we will tell you of meet-up arrangements.
Monday 4 April
All day. Support the occupation of Carnegie Library in Herne Hill. Faced with closure by Lambeth Council, campaigners have occupied the library since Thursday. Get updates at
Wednesday 6 & Thursday 7 April
All day, 8am onwards. Protest in support of junior doctors. Junction of Bessemer Road/Denmark Hill SE5 (or go to your nearest hospital). Information at BMA Website at The BMA is escalating their strike action. Download a selfie poster at for yourself and workmates/ students/neighbours. Tweet or share it on Facebook with the hashtags: #JuniorDoctors #JuniorContract #NotSafeNotFair. To arrange for a doctor to speak to TU members at your place of work or union branch meeting, or to send messages of support contact 
Wednesday 6 April
7pm-11pm. Kick the Junior Doctors’ Contract social organised by @MaudsleyDocs. Open to all.. The event will include an art exhibition, live music, speakers, banner making, drinks and dancing. VENUE: DIY Space For London - 96-108 Ormside Street, SE15 1TF.

Saturday 9 April
11.30am. 'Don't steal our libraries - support the Carnegie occupation' demonstration. Assemble outside the library in Herne Hill Road. March via Minet Library to central Brixton. More details and a poster at

Tuesday 12 April
7pm.  'Junior Doctors: Let's Turn Sympathy into Solidarity. Solidarity meeting at Bloomsbury Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8EP. Nearest tube: Tottenham Court Road. Speakers include BMA junior doctors at Whipps Cross Hospital, East London, BMA JDC, Student nurses, Matt Wrack FBU firefighters’ union general secretary, Natalie Bennett Green Party leader, Kevin Courtney NUT teachers’ union deputy general secretary. Organised by Unite the Resistance. . Facebook event at
Friday 15 April
9pm onwards. Southwark Sleepout to highlight that the Housing Bill, if passed, will lead to homelessness. Assemble Outside Southwark Town Hall, 160 Tooley Street, SE1 2QH. Organised by The Kill the Housing Bill Campaign. Similar events being held nationwide. More details here at  Please share and invite others.

Saturday 16 April
1pm onwards. National People’s Assembly March for Homes, Health, Jobs, Education. End Austerity Now. Assemble: 1pm, Gower Street / Euston Road, London NW1.  See Facebook event If you want to meet-up with fellow-campaigners to attend any of these, email back or phone 07939090667 and we will tell you of meet-up arrangements.
Monday 18 April
7pm. Organising meeting of Southwark Trades Council. Agenda items include current campaigns against cuts in Southwark. Open to delegates and observers. Venue: 160 Tooley Street SE1. For more information, write to
Saturday 23 April
1-4pm. Parents Defending Education Rally against the Government’s plans to privatise and de-regulate state education. Speakers: author Michael Rosen, Kevin Courtney (NUT deputy gen sec), Mary Bousted (gen sec ATL teachers union). Venue: UCL Institute of Education (IoE), 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL (nearest tube: Euston). To reserve a free place, click on the ‘Register’ button at . Called by the Anti-Academies Alliance, supported by the NUT and ATL unions. Southwark Save Our Services is supporting a joint campaign in Southwark of parents and teachers against the attacks on education and local democracy. If you want to help, please email back or phone 07939090667.
Tuesday 26 April
7pm. Defend Council Housing  - organising meeting at the Alvey Estate Tenants Hall, ground floor of Thomson House, Beckway Street, off East Street, SE17 1TS. Beckway Street is close to the end of East Street at its junction with the Old Kent Road. Map here. More information from
Twitter @southwarkSOS
Facebook: Southwark SOS 
Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at