The demolition of council housing in Southwark, being replaced by mainly private dwellings is denying thousands of people decent, affordable housing. Campaigners need your help to stop this – see this week’s events, below.
Racism is being used to try and divide and rule at home as austerity continues to bite, and will get worse. So please come to the demonstration on 21 March (see below) to show the political parties and the media that we are united against racism and against austerity.
***Please put in your diary this month’s events, shown below***
Please tweet this listing, link to our website or post on your own Facebook page. Thank you.
Saturday 7 march – Friday 13 March
Leafleting and petitioning for the ‘March For the Aylesbury’ (see 14th, below.) Help to publicise Saturday’s demonstration and to talk to local residents about the campaign against demolition and selling-off of council homes.
Saturday. 11am. Stall, Walworth Road, outside Morrisons, opp East St
Monday. 6pm, Leaflet the Wyndham and Comber Estate. Meet Jessie Duffett TRA hall, Wyndham Road, SE5
Tuesday. 6pm, Leaflet the Alberta and Draper Estates. Meet 46 Harold Maddison House, Junction of Alberta Street and Penton Place, SE17 3SG
Wednesday 5-6:30pm, Leaflet Kennington Tube (turn up anytime in between)
Thursday. 12.30-2pm Leaflet Kings College Hospital, Bessemer Road Entrance off Denmark Hill
Thursday (again). 5-6.30pm Leaflet Elephant Tube. Northern Line entrance
If you can help, contact or phone 07792 786 192. Download a leaflet at
Tuesday 10 March
London-wide public meeting to defend the NHS and in promoting demands for the NHS during the election campaign. Venue: Hammersmith Town Hall. Hosted by Save Hammersmith and Charing Cross campaign, supported by Keep Our NHS Public. More information at
Saturday 14 March
12noon. March for the Aylesbury: Refurbish Don’t Demolish! Save Our Council Homes! (see above for leafleting events). Assemble Burgess Park SE5 7QH, junction of Albany Road/Old Kent Road (opp Tesco) Called by Defend Council Housing and supported by many other campaigns and trade union branches including the Southwark Group of Tenants Organisations. If you can help, contact or phone 07792 786 192. Download a leaflet at Facebook page: click here.
Thursday 19th March
6.30pm open for 7.30 start. Fundraiser Quiz Night in Support of Lambeth Keep Our NHS Public & Studley Residents' Association. Sign up and pre-register your teams at: Venue: The Stockwell Centre, 1 Studley Road, SW4 6RA. There is no Southwark KONP group so Southwark activists please make contact with the Lambeth group to find out about local activity. The group have a new Facebook page at
Saturday 21 March
Assemble 12pm. Unity against Austerity - National Demonstration Against Racism & Fascism. Assemble outside the BBC in Portland Place, Central London, W1A 1AA, march to Trafalgar Square. Organised by Stand Up To Racism, supported by the TUC and many organisations.
Tuesday 31 March
7pm Southwark Defend Council Housing meeting at the Alvey Estate Tenants Hall, ground floor of Thomson House, Beckway Street, off East Street, SE17 1TS. Beckway Street is close to the end of East Street at its junction with the Old Kent Road.
Thursday 16 April
7pm. Lambeth Keep Our NHS Public organising meeting in the upstairs room at the Phoenix pub, 348 Clapham Road, SW9 9AR (between Clapham North and Stockwell tube stations).
Saturday 18 April
Global day of action against TTIP. Details to follow. Follow on Twitter @ttipinfo
Wednesday 22 April
10.30am. The Southwark Pensioners Action Group have invited candidates in the general election to come along and outline their parties’ policies and answer questions from pensioners. This is a great opportunity to challenge those parties committed to austerity and hopefully to hear voices of those that are opposed to it. Venue: Southwark Pensioners Centre, 307 Camberwell Road, London SE5 0HQ. More information at
OTHER LOCAL CAMPAIGNS not listed above:
London Unemployed Strategies (LUS) - a campaign to give a voice to unemployed people. For more information and to get involved, contact Nick on: 020 7467 1283 or 07530 001653, or email Facebook page here.
SolidariTEA, a weekly drop-in between 2pm and 4pm for those affected by work capability, benefits & housing problems etc. Mutual support & planning direct action, at 97 Dawes House, Orb St, Walworth, London, SE17 1RD. For information, email to or phone 07966180429 on Mondays pm.
South London Unite the Resistance. For news updates and action alerts on trade union and anti-austerity events in south London, join the email list by writing to or phone 07956579466.
South London People’s Assembly meet monthly at Bread & Roses pub, 68 Clapham Manor St, London SW4 6DZ. More information from
Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts meet at Southwark Independent Living Centre, 10 Bradenham Close, SE17 2QB. Details from