Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Pay and Privatisation - Southwark Action Alert

Will you help to rally opposition to the sell-off of the health service? A march arriving in London from Jarrow on 6 September and days of strikes and protests in October need your support. South London organisations also are organising support for a strike in October of a million public sector workers calling for a pay rise, and there is a huge demonstration in London a few days after.

***Please put in your diary the events not just happening this week but the dates for big events this autumn, shown below.***

Please tweet this listing, link to our website or post on your own Facebook page. Thank you.


Tuesday 26 August
7pm. Organising meeting of South London People’s Assembly to continue planning the October conference (see below) and build support for upcoming events. Venue:  The Bread and Roses Pub, 68 Clapham Manor Street, SW4 6DZ. For more information, write to secretary@southlondonpeoplesassembly.org

Tuesday 26 August
7pm. Meeting of Southwark Defend Council Housing campaign in the Parish Office at St John’s Church, Larcom Street, SE17 1NQ. Map.

Tuesday 26 & Thursday 28 August
Start dates of NHS union members’ ballot for industrial action over pay Unite’s ballot will run from 26 August – 26 September, Unison’s from 28 August - 18 September. GMB and Royal College of Midwives will ballot in September. If you can help leafleting local health workforces to promote a ‘Yes’ vote, contact local trade union offices or southwarksos@gmail.com

Thursday 28 August
Fast Food Rights Campaign day of action. London – exact location(s) to be announced. More details here.

Saturday 6 September
2pm – 5pm. noTTIP planning meeting for Octobers’ day of action (see below)
at the London office of Friends of the Earth, The Printworks, 1st Floor, 139 Clapham Road, London, SW9 0HP. (Step-free access) Facebook event

Saturday 6 September
999 March for the NHS from Jarrow to London arrives in London. Depart Clissold Park, Stoke Newington N16 9HU at 11.45am. Welcome the marchers as they come into central London at 2pm: assemble at UNITE HQ, 128 Theobald’s Road WC1X. Rally at 3.30pm. (Venue to be announced) Details at http://999callfornhs.org.uk/.

Thursday 11 September
11am. Protest: End Sanctions, Bedroom Tax and Benefit Cuts. Assemble Old Palace Yard Westminster SW1P 3JY and 1pm DWP HQ Tothill St SW1. This is part of the National Day of action called by Anti Bed Tax and Benefits campaigners, with PCS and other trade unions, and claimant groups. Contact southwarkbenefitjustice@gmail.com to join the local contingent. See http://antibedroomtax.org.uk/ for more information.

Wednesday 17 September
7pm. ‘Support the Pay Strikes’ – public meeting with Ian Hodson National President bakers Union, Paul Embury, Secretary London Region FBU, Kevin Courtney Deputy General Secretary NUT, Mandy Brown , Secretary Lambeth College UCU, Hassina Malik, Assistant Branch secretary Lambeth Unison. Venue: Karibu Centre, 7 Gresham Road, Brixton SW9 7PH. Organised by South London Unite the Resistance. Supported by Lambeth Unison. More information from http://uniteresist.org/category/events/
To Join the South London email list, phone 07956579466.

Thursday 18 September
7pm. Lambeth Keep Our NHS Public campaign planning meeting in the Phoenix pub between Stockwell Tube and Clapham North tube stations.


Saturday 4 October
10am – 4pm. People’s Assembly South London Conference in Lambeth Town Hall. Get tickets (concessions are free) here. Key themes for the conference are action over pay, privatisation and housing. More details posted on the website at http://www.southlondonpa.org/.

Saturday 11 October
A pan-European day of action against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Background information on why this is so dangerous to public services here.  Find out what action is being planned at http://www.nottip.org.uk/nationaldayofaction/

Monday 13 October
Proposed date of Unison health workers’ four hour strike following the ballot (see above). Further details to be announced.

Tuesday 14 October
Strike of around a million local government workers in Unison, Unite and GMB. Other unions may join this action. Background information here. Contact your union branch officers for details of local action.

Saturday 18 October
‘Britain Needs a Pay Rise’ TUC national demonstration in London. See facebook.com/britainneedsapayrise or website for resources and publicity materials at http://britainneedsapayrise.org/ Details of the exact timings and the march route will be announced in September.

OTHER LOCAL CAMPAIGNS not listed above:

Southwark Pensioners Action Group
Meets bi-monthly. Campaign information at http://www.spag.btck.co.uk/
Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts meet at Southwark Independent Living Centre, 10 Bradenham Close, SE17 2QB. Details from southwarkdpac@mail.com

Lambeth College UCU
Information about their continuing campaign can be found at http://lambethcollegestrike.wordpress.com/

SolidariTEA, a weekly drop-in between 2pm and 4pm for those affected by work capability, benefits & housing problems etc. Mutual support & planning direct action. at 97 Dawes House, Orb St, Walworth, London, SE17 1RD.
For information, email to solidariteasouthwark@gmail.com or phone 07966180429 on Mondays pm.

Ritzy workers are being balloted on a pay offer in their fight for the London Living Wage. The results will be announced on the 26th August. You can get campaign updates at www.facebook.com/RitzyLivingWage


Twitter @southwarkSOS
Facebook: Southwark SSOS

Are you part of a community group or campaign? We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at southwarksos@gmail.com.