Monday, 13 January 2014

Southwark Action Alert 13 January 2014

We hope you will be able to support the demonstration against the bedroom tax in Peckham on Saturday 25 January. Organised by local campaigns but watched by the Government in Westminster! The campaign against this tax is gathering momentum across the country. Help us at the leafleting events listed below, and come along with your friends and neighbours on 25th!

Please tweet this listing (link to our website ), post on your Facebook page, or help us with leafleting for these events. Thank you.


Tuesday 14 January

7pm. London Keep Our NHS Public Coordinating meeting at Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, WC1. Agenda includes: Campaign round up and plans for 2014, call for London Demonstration, London campaign workshop day proposals. Campaign and meetings details at

Wednesday 15 January

10am. RMT demonstration "Cut fares not staff" opposite Parliament in Old Palace Yard. Part of the Hands off London Transport campaign. More informations at

6.30pm. Southwark Benefit Justice Campaign organising meeting: planning for 25th January local demo. Walworth Methodist Church (Blue Room), 54 Camberwell Road SE5 0EN. Agenda from

7pm. Southwark Trades Council meeting discussing local anti-austerity campaigns at Room 13c, Learning & Business Centre, Cator Street, SE15 6AA. Delegates and observers always welcome. Further details from

Thursday 16 January

6.30pm. Protest against evictions from Lambeth housing cooperatives, outside Lambeth Council Leader's Question Time, Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre, 309 Streatham High Road, SW16 6HX.

Friday 17 January

5.30pm. Leafleting for the bedroom tax demonstration in Peckham on 25 Jan. Meet at Peckham Rye station. Please phone or text 07896341964 if you can come.

Saturday 18 January

12-1pm. Southwark Benefit Justice Stall. Rye Lane Peckham (outside Boots)

Sunday 19 January

12 noon. Leafleting Wyndham & Comber Estate to publicise bedroom tax demonstration. Meet outside Jessie Duffett Hall, Wyndham Road SE5. Please phone or text 07896341964 if you can come.

Monday 20 January

Start of Activism Week Plus: Twenty events around issues such as childcare services, housing, fair pay, racism and rights. Open to all University of the Arts students. Full details at

Wednesday 22 January

1pm. Student march on Senate House University of London against privatisation, for decent pay for HE workers, plus other demands: see Facebook at or contact: Assemble outside ULU in Malet Street.

7pm. Planning meeting for the Fast Food Rights campaign Day of Action on 15 February. Venue to be announced. Details from

Saturday 25 January

12 noon. Demonstration against the bedroom tax and benefit cuts. Assembly in Peckham Square, near the library. Get flyers to distribute on your estate, or get more details by phoning 07896341964  or emailing or see their Facebook  page. Called by the Benefit Justice campaign, supported by Southwark Group of Tenants Organisations and many other local campaigns.

Tuesday 28 January

6.30pm. Southwark Benefit Justice Campaign organising meeting: taking the campaign forward after the local demo. Walworth Methodist Church (Blue Room), 54 Camberwell Road SE5 0EN. Agenda from


Saturday 1 February

National Dignity Day supported by the National pensioners Convention and backed by the TUC. Demand that services for the elderly be protected and improved. More from, or 020 7383 0388.

Tuesday 4 February

12noon. Support the walk-out by Tube RMT Union members at the start of a 48-hour strike over jobs, services and safety. Background information at

7pm. South London People’s Assembly meeting for borough reps (elected at December’s conference) at the Bread and Roses Pub, 68 Clapham Manor Street SW4 6DZ. Contact your Southwark reps or get more information by emailing

Saturday 15 February

Fast Food Rights campaign Day of Action. Targeting fast food stores on Oxford Street. Get in touch with the campaign at website

Thursday 27 February

7pm. Education Question Time. Politicians, academics and activists answer questions from the audience. At the Karibu Education Centre 7 Gresham Road SW9 7PH. Info from Tickets are free from

Saturday 15 March

Re-call People's Assembly conference at the Emanuel Centre, central London. Further details to be announced.

Wednesday 19 March

Budget day – ‘Britain needs a pay rise’ day of action. Called by People’s Assembly. Further details to be announced.

Saturday 22 March

No to Racism and Fascism demonstration. Central London. Details at


Southwark Defend Council Housing campaign usually meet at St John's Parish Offices in Larcom Street SE17, just off Walworth Road. National campaign website here. For info about meetings contact initially

Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts meet at Southwark Independent Living Centre, 10 Bradenham Close, SE17 2QB. Details from

Southwark Pensioners Action Group

Meets bi-monthly. Campaign information at

South London People's Assembly. Contact for details of local and national events.

South London Unite the Resistance. Meet monthly. For more information phone 07956579466. For information about the national UtR organisation go to