Local organisations will be supporting the lobby of Southwark Council on 10th July, calling on councillors to oppose the Bedroom Tax and commit to not evicting tenants because of benefit cuts. Can you come along, and bring others with you? (See below).
In addition protests against wage-cuts, cuts to disability support, education and health are listed below.
Please help to spread the word by tweeting, or posting this listing on your Facebook page, or help us with leafleting for these events.
Thursday 4 July 9am. Get Cameron - David Cameron will be visiting the Turner Centre Margate CT9 1HG. Thanet Benefit Justice is calling on anti-cuts groups, trade unions, students, disabled campaigners and others to bring whistles and banners and flags. Fb event www.facebook.com/events/412975298816453/
Thursday 4 July 8am onwards. Strike called by Lambeth College UCU against compulsory redundancies. Please visit picket lines at one of these sites: Brixton Centre: 56 Brixton Hill SW2 1QS , Clapham Centre: 45 Clapham Common Southside SW4 9BL , Vauxhall Centre: Belmore St, Wandsworth Rd., SW8 2JY. Send messages of support to Branch secretary at mbrown@lambeth.ac.uk
Thursday 4 July 1 pm. Q&A with Simon Hughes, the LibDem MP for Bermondsey, who will be at Southwark Resource Centre (10 Bradenham Close, London SE17 2QB) to hear views and questions from users and staff. His party has given the Tory government the green light to go ahead with its vicious attacks on disabled, poor and vulnerable people. He has got a lot to answer for! Contact southwarkdpac@mail.com if you can come, and receive info for people to use in planning their questions. Come early to avoid disappointment!
Thursday 4th July 6.30pm. Joint meeting to plan Peoples’ Assembly in Lambeth, called by Lambeth Trades Council and Lambeth SOS at Vida Walsh Centre, off Windrush Square in Brixton. This meeting is open to campaigners from other boroughs including Southwark. Southwark SOS will be represented. Facebook: http://on.fb.me/14FHQUy
Friday 5th July 4pm. Start of the CAMarathon: London to Witney, to mark the 65th birthday of the NHS and highlight the role of David Cameron and the Conservative party in abolishing the NHS. Assemble at Dept of Health, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, SW1A 2NS. An ‘NHS coffin’ will be carried by 6 pallbearers, first to Parliament before being carried overnight to David Cameron's Witney constituency and delivered there on Saturday. Details at http://www.keepournhspublic.com/camarathon.php.
Friday 5 July 5pm-7.30pm. Come for a fun evening rallying support for 10th July Council Assembly lobby over the bedroom tax. (‘Stop The Bedroom Tax – No Benefit Cuts, No Evictions’). Venue: SGTO offices, Bells Gardens Community Centre, 19 Buller Close, SE15 6UJ. Bring your own mobile phone to help with phoning contacts for next Wednesday’s lobby (see below). Phone David at SGTO on 020 7639 6718 if you intend to come.
Saturday 6 July 10.30am-12.30pm. Help making placards for 10th July Council Assembly lobby over the bedroom tax. Come to the Bells Centre for a fun day with the family. Materials provided, just come along and enjoy making banners to fight the unfair bedroom tax, ready for next Wednesday’s lobby (see below). Venue: SGTO offices, Bells Gardens Community Centre, 19 Buller Close, SE15 6UJ. Phone David at SGTO on 020 7639 6718 if you intend to come.
Saturday 6 July 12.30 -1.30pm. Bedroom Tax stall in Rye Lane, Peckham, to petition and leaflet for the 10th of July Council lobby (see below). Help is needed! To get petition forms for your estate or leaflets for the lobby, contact southwarkbenefitjustice@gmail.com, see their Facebook page or phone SGTO office on 020 7639 6718.
Saturday 6 July Flash mob: Singing for our Health Service, to mark the 65th birthday of the NHS. More information from londonkeepournhspublic@gmail.com
Monday 8 July 3.45pm. Protest Cuts to UAL disability support. University of the Arts London management are cutting disability provision and academic support. These proposals mean valued support staff will have their pay cut, students risk having to travel miles for assessments and the possibility of private providers circling in the future. Staff and students were excluded from the recent review.
UCU has called a demonstration outside the Court of Governors meeting at UAL 272 High Holborn, WC1V 7EY.
Tuesday 9 July 7pm. Doors open for two short films and a talk looking at Greece’s health care system under austerity. Starting at 7.30pm, introduced by Joseph Healy from the Greece Solidarity Campaign. Venue: The Side Room, The Sun of Camberwell, Coldharbour Lane, SE5 9QW. Supported by King’s Unite branch. Open to clinical and non-clinical hospital workers. Enquiries/contact: healthworkersocial@hotmail.com
Wednesday 10 July 6pm. Lobby of Southwark Council to demand that Councillors oppose the Bedroom Tax and commit to not evicting tenants because of benefit cuts. Bring banners and placards! Called by Southwark Group of Tenants Organisations and other organisations. (The Council Assembly includes a themed debate on "Welfare Reform".) Venue: Walworth Academy, Shorncliffe Road (Off Albany Road). Order posters and leaflets for your estate by ringing 07896 341 964 or email southwarkbenefitjustice@gmail.com or see their Facebook page.
Saturday 13 July 10am. - 4pm. Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) National AGM. Hinde St Methodist Church, Thayer St, W1U 2QJ. Speakers include Polly Toynbee and reports from KONP groups round the country. Email agm@keepournhspublic.com for info and a registration form. (Only paid up supporters may attend.) More details at http://www.keepournhspublic.com/meeting.php?id=466
Saturday 20 July Time tbc. UK Uncut will be setting-up food banks inside branches of HSBC – shutting down Britain’s biggest, bonus-munching, crisis-causing, tax-dodging bank. Our taxes bailed them out, but they won’t pay their fair share and the government continues to let them get away with it. Find out more about organising a local protest at http://www.ukuncut.org.uk/blog/call-out-stuff-the-banks-saturday-20th-july
Advance notice
Saturday 27 July National Day of Action called by the Anti-bedroom tax and Benefit Justice Campaign. More info to follow. See their new website or contact the local campaign at southwarkbenefitjustice@gmail.com
Friday 2 August 7.30pm. Fundraiser for the Anti-Bedroom Tax and Benefit Justice Federation at the Tottenham Chances, 399 Tottenham High Road London N17 6QN. Tickets - £5 waged / £2 unwaged £10 solidarity (tickets can be ordered in advance from benefitjustice@gmail.com). Disabled accessible.
Sunday 29 September All Day. Save Our NHS – national demonstration outside the Tory Party conference, Manchester. Supported by UNITE, GMB, UNISON and other organisations. Ask your campaign group/trade union branch to support this protest. Southwark Trade Union Council is coordinating local transport arrangements. More information from southwarktuc@gmail.com.
Crown Post Offices closures/franchising – Peckham & East Dulwich. Background information and petition sheet from the Communication Workers Union here.
Fire stations closures Southwark campaign information and their action plans are found at http://www.saveourstations.org.uk/southwark
Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts meeting meet at Southwark Independent Living Centre, 10 Bradenham Close, SE17 2QB. Details from southwarkdpac@mail.com
Southwark Pensioners Action Group Meets bi-monthly. Campaign information at http://www.spag.btck.co.uk/
Southwark Unison Currently campaigning against job cuts in nurseries and pupil referral units. More information at Tel: 0207 525 6030.