Wednesday 27 June
7 pm. Southwark
SOS Organising meeting. Two main items: supporting local action against
cuts and job losses; planning for TUC demonstration in October.
Held in South Bank Uni. London Road Building. Open to all campaigners
against the cuts. For an agenda, directions or details of venue room,
contact us here .
Saturday 30 June
2pm. As the NHS turns 64 years old...Join the protests to tell Virgin to keep out! Assemble Central London: Virgin Media Store Oxford St (Opposite the Plaza) More information from KONP here .
Wednesday 4 July
7 pm. Campaigners from the campaign to stop nursery closures will address a full Southwark Council meeting. Come and make some noise! Online petition to save Tenda Road and Bishop's House Nurseries is here . For more details, and to send messages of support write to the local campaign.