Saturday, 30 July 2011


Today onwards
Make your protest against the plan to close Camberwell Jobcentre ! Details here. There is an online petition to sign or write to your local MP. For enquiries about the local campaign and to offer practical help with leafleting, etc. contact 07879424631 or email here <>.

Saturday 30 July
12 noon - 3pm
Croydon vs Banks & Tax Dodgers. Organised by Croydon Uncut
Assembling at Whitgift Centre entrance, opposite the Centrale Shopping Centre, North End, Croydon (5 min walk from West or East Croydon Rail or Bus Station).

Sunday 31 July
12 noon - 4pm
London 'Love Our Parks' Picnic at Parliament: A call for the protection, resources and management they deserve – NO to cuts! At Victoria Tower Gardens, Millbank, London, SW1P 3JA.  Bring a picnic to share. Organised by the London Green Spaces Friends Groups Network - LFGN . Supported by the National Federation of Parks & Green Spaces and the London Tenants Federation.

Monday 1 August
Demonstration against the Health Bill when Health Minister Andrew Lansley will be at the Royal Hospital Farnborough, Bromley BR6 8ND from 1 to 1.45pm to open the new stroke unit (which we are not against!).  Assemble at car park entrance to Hospital near Sainsbury’s.
Supported by local Trades Councils and Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark & Lambeth KONP groups. For further details contact Frances Hook Tel: 020 8853 2567

Advance Notice:

Sunday 11 September
1.30pm. Rally & March calling for coordinated strike action on pensions throughout the public sector.  Rally at Friends Meeting House, Euston (speakers to include Mark Serwotka and Bob Crow), then a march to the TUC. Organised by the National Shop Stewards Network ( NSSN.) supported by the PCS NEC. Petition and more details here .

March Against the Lib DemsBirmingham, Sunday 18th September. Supported by the Midlands TUC and anti-cuts groups across the Midlands.

March Against the Tories – Manchester, Sunday 2nd October. Supported by NW Region TUC, several national campaigns and trade unions. Enquiries about transport from Southwark here <>.

Follow us!
Twitter @southwarkSOS
Facebook: please note new Facebook group is now “Southwark SSOS

Are you part of a community group or campaign?
We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you’re doing and we can advertise your anti-cuts campaign activities. Email us at

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Support Mass UCU Lobby at LSBU 14JULY

Members of the lecturers' union, UCU, at London South Bank University (LSBU) are asking for your support at a mass lobby of the Board of Governors meeting, calling on the university to reverse its decision to withdraw from national pay bargaining. The lobby will take place on Thursday 14 July, from 3.00pm onwards outside the university (South Bank Technopark) in London Rd, SE1.


LSBU is the first university to pull out of national pay negotiations, threatening to undercut our wages and inhibit future staff recruitment. Already, incomes for staff at LSBU now lag behind other universities. 

But this local dispute also has national significance: the government’s marketization of Higher Education, which is happening at break-neck speed, will be made infinitely easier if national bargaining disappears. Incomes and wider terms of employment across the whole of higher education will then be under even greater threat. 

We have taken strike action to put pressure on the Board of Governors to reverse its decision – on 29 June lecturers' work inside the university was at a virtual standstill. Not only was the strike well-supported,  50 members joined the picket lines, but messages of support came from across the country and the trade union movement - including branches of the FBU, RMT, NUT, PCS, UNITE, UNISON, and POA. 


The Board of Governors meeting on Thursday 14 July provides the next opportunity for UCU members to make their point. We welcome support from local trade unions and campaign and anti-cuts groups at our lobby. If you can't attend, messages of support would be very welcome, sent to 

LSBU UCU Branch Co-ordinating Committee

Thursday 14 July
3.00pm onwards
South Bank Technopark, London Rd, SE1 6LN